Bio Water Urns

Ocean, Reintegration, Design.

Biodegradable Urns For Water Burial Australia

Top Quality, Certified Eco Water Urns for Sea Burials

Handcrafted Biodegradable Urns for scattering ashes.

Our Biodegradable urns for water burial Australia are perfect for sea burials because they are designed to release the whole urn into the water. Certified biodegradable, they are approved aboard for the Princess Cruises’ Emotional Ashes Ceremony at Sea.

Beautifully handcrafted using natural materials like salt, sand, and vegetable binding agents, when returned to nature in coastal areas or the sea, they break down naturally.

Bio Water Urns symbolise our love and appreciation for our loved ones who are no longer with us, allowing them to return to the embrace of the environment with peace and grace.

Our handcrafted Bio Water Urns provide a dignified farewell for our loved ones.

Soul Trees, Exclusive Australian Distributor of Limbo Europe

How to fill the bio urns with ashes

Place the water-soluble bag inside the urn and pour the ashes inside. A funnel can help. Close the bag and seal the lid.

After reaching the desired location to place the Bio Urn into the water, you can hold a scattering ceremony with your family and friends.

First, invite all those who knew and loved your dear one to celebrate their life with you. By sharing cherished memories and experiences, you can create a heartfelt tribute. You can also choose to honour their love of life through music and dance. This will make a touching and memorable celebration of their life that everyone will remember forever.

Alternatively, you could plan a ceremony based on your loved one’s heritage. You can make it as formal or casual as you prefer.

Handcrafted Biodegradable Urns for scattering ashes
Handcrafted Biodegradable Urns for scattering ashes
Honouring the memory of a loved one can be a beautiful and moving tribute.

You may release doves or toss handfuls of pretty petals in their favourite colours. Also, placing your bio water urn in the centre of a wreath of flowers can make this experience even more special. Watching the flowers float away gracefully can be a meaningful way to say goodbye.

In many cultures, throwing flowers into the ocean is a traditional way of offering them to the souls of the departed. Similarly, water-based floral rituals are common in many cultures, where people offer gifts to the gods and mythic characters who transport the souls of the departed to the afterlife.

Whether or not you have a deep spiritual connection with rituals, holding a sea burial ceremony to remember a loved one can be a peaceful and calming experience. It is a great way to celebrate their life and honour their memory.

Handcrafted Biodegradable Urns for scattering ashes. Samsara Cuarzo, sand urn ideal for both ground and sea burial

The handcrafters of Bio Water Urns use only natural and biodegradable materials to make them. These urns blend seamlessly with the natural environment and can be placed in any setting. Although they remain intact at home, they decompose when in contact with moisture or buried in the ground.

Allow your loved one’s ashes to be returned to nature in an eco-water urn handcrafted with love through a unique process.

Suitable for humans and pets.

Handcrafted Biodegradable Urns for scattering ashes
Water is a symbol of the infinite. It travels from the clouds to the mountains as rain or snow, flows through the countryside in rivers and streams, and reaches the far corners of the globe on the high seas before returning to the clouds to begin the cycle anew.