Privacy & Cookie Policy

Soul Trees is operated by Valeria Bianco (ABN 32953450343). We are committed to protecting your privacy, and to compliance with applicable privacy laws which set out standards for the management of personal information. This policy outlines our personal information management practices. Specifically:

  • the kinds of personal information we collect and hold;
  • how we collect and hold it;
  • the purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose it;
  • your right to access and seek correction of it;
  • how you may complain about privacy matters; and
  • our sharing of your personal information overseas.

There are some matters to which this policy does not apply. These are referred to in clause 9 below.

We collect and hold personal information that is reasonably necessary for the operation of Soul Trees Bio Urns, which may include:

  • your personal details such as your name, email and/or physical addresses, telephone numbers, employer, date of birth, age and gender;
  • financial information (such as your credit card details);
  • your order number, customer reference number or loyalty card number;
  • any rewards and redemption details applicable to your membership of one of our loyalty programs;
  • what, how and when you buy from us or have expressed an interest in buying from us; and
  • demographic information such as your postcode and your stated or likely preferences, for example whether you may be interested in particular products or promotions.

You generally have the option of not identifying yourself or of using a pseudonym when dealing with us, but not where this is impractical (for example when you shop online with us) or where the law or a court order provides otherwise.

Collection of personal information:

When we collect personal information about you, we do so by making a record of it. We do this when:

  • you visit our websites;
  • you purchase products from us online;
  • you register with us, for example to create an account, to become a member of one of our loyalty programs or to send you information;
  • you communicate with us online;
  • you take part in our promotions, competitions, testimonials, surveys and focus groups;
  • you deal with us in other ways involving a need for personal information to be provided such as when you contact one of our call centres or chat lines or bring a claim against us.

We may also collect personal information about you by accessing data from other sources and then analysing that data together with the information we already hold about you in order to learn more about your likely preferences and interests. When you visit our websites, social media pages or mobile applications or click on our advertisements on online media, we may collect information about you using technology which is not apparent to you, for example “cookies“. For information about our use of this technology, refer to the Cookies Statement at the end of the policy.

Most of the personal information we collect and hold about you is from your direct dealings with us, but there are some instances where we may collect your personal information other than from you directly. For example from other suppliers who, in common with us, have a relationship with you, or on whose behalf we process your purchases.

Holding of Personal Information:

Personal information we hold is stored on our web servers in secure environments. These servers may be operated by us or by our service providers. In all cases, we have rigorous information security requirements aimed at eliminating risks of unauthorised access to, and loss, misuse or wrongful alteration of, personal information.

All PayPal, credit/debit card information you provide to us is transmitted via secure technology to the payment processor. Details are not stored by us.

Your personal information is password-protected to prevent unauthorised access to it. You should not divulge your password to anyone.

When we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information, we do so primarily to sell and promote our products and services to you and to improve on the range of our offerings. For example:

  • to learn of your likely preferences so that we may promote our products and services to you in a way which may be of most interest to you; and
  • to assist in investigating your complaints and enquiries.

We disclose personal information we collect for purposes which are incidental to the sale and promotion of our products and services to you. For example, we may disclose your personal information within our group, to service providers who assist us in our day-to-day business operations and as part of buying or selling businesses. We may also disclose your personal information to .

We may de-identify your personal information. We may do this for use and disclosure of the anonymous data to determine preferences and shopping patterns.

If you wish to complain about a breach of the privacy rules that bind us, you may contact our Privacy Officer at one of the above contact points. We may ask you to put your complaint in writing and to provide details about it. We may discuss your complaint with our personnel and our service providers and others as appropriate.

Our Privacy Officer will investigate the matter and attempt to resolve it in a timely way. Our Privacy Officer will inform you in writing about the outcome of the investigation. If our Privacy Officer does not resolve your complaint to your satisfaction and no other complaint resolution procedures are agreed or required by law, our Privacy Officer will inform you that your complaint may be referred to the Privacy Commissioner for further investigation (contact details in clause 10 below).

This privacy policy is current as of the date below. We may change it from time to time. If we do change it we will publish the updated version on Soul Trees from which point the updated version will apply.

This is a policy. There may be additional privacy notices and terms relevant to you depending on the nature of your dealings with us and on our particular businesses.

More information about privacy law and privacy principles is available from the Privacy Commissioner. The Privacy Commissioner may be contacted at, or on 1300 363 992, or at GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 2001.

About This Statement

This statement gives you information about our use of cookies. This is relevant to when you use your computer or mobile device to visit online content (such as websites and mobile apps) which display or promote us or our products and services. The content may be our own, or may be the content of others in which we have an interest, such as our banner advertisements.

Cookies may be arranged (“set”) by us or by others under an arrangement with us, such as companies whose business it is to analyse information. We may also access information from cookies set by others (“3rd party cookies”).

Why Should You Know About Cookies?

You should know about cookies because they involve the collection of information about you (which may or may not be personal information) in a way which may not be obvious to you.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small pieces of information captured when your device is used to access online content. Cookies are stored in your device by the person who arranges for the cookie to be set. This person may be the provider of the content being accessed, or it might be a 3rd party. 3rd party cookies are used to provide information about your device’s access to more than one discrete site or data set.

Why do we Allow Cookies to be Used?

We allow cookies to be used for three reasons.

  • First, we allow session cookies to be used when you visit our online content. This enables your device to move from page to page without having to log in repeatedly. These generally improve your browsing experience.
  • Second, we allow persistent (permanent) cookies to be used to better inform how the content your device visits may be presented to you. Persistent cookies can store your preferences for a particular site, so they will be remembered when the site is visited again.
  • Third, we allow persistent and other kinds of permanent cookies (such as “flash” cookies) to be set and we access information from 3rd party cookies in order to assist in compiling and analysing the types of online content you visit and your interaction with that content. This assists us to assess what promotions to offer to you, and when and how. It also assists us to measure the effectiveness of our promotions.

What Are Your Choices About Cookies?

You can control the extent to which your device allows cookies to be set on it. You can do this by changing the settings on the software your device uses to access the internet (your browser software). For example, depending on which browser your device uses, you may be able to disable third party cookies.

There is a lot of information available about how cookies work and how to change your browser’s cookie preferences. This includes information at the following links: