Bios Urn Australia

Welcome to Bios Urn Australia

“Bios Urn is more than an urn: it’s a catalyst for Life”

Bios Urn Australia – The world’s first biodegradable urn.

The Bios Urn is a unique and eco-friendly way to honour your loved ones by planting and growing a tree from their ashes. Additionally, you can also decide to grow a flowering plant.
The Bios Urn can be planted indoors or outdoors, has no expiration date, and can be used with recent or old ashes. Moreover, it is environmentally conscious.

This beautiful and meaningful tribute transforms the ashes of your loved ones into a living tree, allowing you to commemorate their legacy. The tree symbolizes new life, growth, and hope, creating a lasting memory you can cherish forever.

The Bios Urn Australia has a patented design to allow you to grow a memorial tree

The Bios Urn consists of a top capsule for seedlings and a bottom cone for ashes. Its design enables the seedling to grow separated from the ashes. Therefore, the tree roots will grow strong enough to contact the ashes once the urn decomposes. You can use the Bios Urn with any local indigenous seedling from a tree or plant.

The Bios Urn capacity is 5.8 lbs or 2.5 Litres.
You can use all the ashes or just a portion, and it is suitable for humans and pets. 

Due to Australia’s quarantine laws, diverse country landscapes and climatic conditions, the Bios Urn arrives with a grow medium replacing the expansion disc and no seed. On request, at Soul Trees, we can supply any Australian Premium Quality seed of your choice. 

However, we recommend seedlings that can be easily purchased at any local Nursery. 

More Planting Tips

Where I can plant the Bios Urn

Bios Urn in Nature

Bios Urn in a planter

Plant and protect your tree in winter

What if I relocate