¨I placed my dad in the forest close to my home¨
Anne Stadnyk purchased a Bios Urn in July 2016 after her son discovered the Bios Urn online and shared the idea with her. She used a Bios Urn for her father, who passed away in April 2016. She is an only child whose parents were married and together for over 55 years.
After her dad had passed away, she decided to plant the Bios Urn in a nearby forest so she could visit her dad’s tree as often as she liked. The spot she chose had a special meaning and connection to her father, as it was a place that her son and father would frequently visit and walk through together. It was crucial for her to have both parents nearby, in a location that was not just close but sentimental. The emotional connection was key.
“The Bios Urn was the PERFECT solution for me… I placed my dad in the forest close to my home, where he will always be part of the flora and fauna there, and I can visit whenever I like. I am grateful for having had the best parents on the planet and am happy now that they will be forever close to me 🙂¨
She shared with us photos of her dad´s Western Hemlock tree, which is growing steadily and healthily! She intends to take a photo of the tree each season as time progresses and it continues to grow magnificently. We have also received this message from Anne, along with her permission to share it.
“P.S. – It feels really good to write about my dad and mom and my special memories of them. I will share this with my mom when I visit her at her Care Home today. We will have a little cry together and then feel good they are both close to me and grandson. It’s more than marketing you are creating by asking people to share their stories with your product.
Thank you 🙂
Cheers, Anne.”